Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Froggy Heaven

Yesterday one of Trevins Frogs died. In May Trevin got 2 frogs from the Scandanavian Festival in Ephraim. He named them Carson and Luke (same name as his cousins). Well I found one of them upside down in the water yesterday. I am actually surprised they have lived this long because, well lets just say we arent really the best pet caretakers. I told Trev one of his frogs had died and he started to cry. I told him that he went to Heaven to live with heavenly Father and Jesus. It made him feel a little better. We had a little funeral for him and he was ok til I flushed him down the toilet. He started crying and said why did you have to do that mom that was not nice. I had to remind him of nemo and how all water ends up in the ocean. I told him that his family would bury him. It was so cute how Trev was so sensitive about it and how he felt bad for the frog that was still alive because he was sad! If you are all wondering Luke was the froggy that died.


Tom and Misti Sherwood said...

Pets are such a joy! We have had fish, crabs, all kinds of reptiles, a hamster and even a rat. They never last a month. The hampster died the same day. We are pet free for now. It is sweet how sensitive they are when a pet dies.

KKandKoKo said...

Oh, poor guy :( How sad!

Candice said...

Just one did you see the frog in that muggy water!?! haha Really I am just as shocked as you that they even lived this long.