I cant believe my little baby is 1! Although it doesnt really seem like he has really been a baby most of his first year. He grew up so fast! I cant believe a year ago I still had dance in my basement, We were about to move into the new studio, Trevin was only 2 and as helpful as can be, Rich was trying to keep me calm and I was as huge as can be anticipating our little baby boy!
Rich and I had decided to try for another baby when trevin was 2. Trevin was about as perfect as they come and we thought hey if kids are this easy we should have 10! So we started trying for our 2nd child. We knew it would take a while because we tried a very long time with Trevin, we were married 6 years. It did take long but not as long as it took to have Trevin. My Grandpa died the day after christmas and it was then I had a feeling that My Grandpa would help get a baby sent down to us. I was right!
I was supposed to be induced on the 14th of September but the hospital said they were full. I was very frustrated and dissapointed so I called my Doctor and she stripped my membranes. The next morning I had a few contractions and when the hospital hadn't called me to come in I decided to go in on my own. Although my contractions werent bad I had had it. I went in and told them I was not leaving til my baby was out. About 6 hours later I had my little Graydin. Rich came up with the name while we were at the hospital. We Were actually thinking of Alex or Cooper.
Graydin has been so much fun although completely opposite of Trevin down to the T. Different hair, skin, and eye color. Different tempers, body type and personality, completely different in every possible way. We have now decides 3 or 4 children are more than enough. Our world has turned completely around with our 2nd child and we wouldnt have it any other way! Graydin has brought us so much joy. It seems that Trevin was such a baby for so long(Barely starting to crawl at 1yr) But Graydin already acts so big and can even ride the wiggle car by himself.
Our boys mean the world to us and we look forward to many sports events and bumps and bruises. Maybe one day(not any time soon) I can get a little girl so that I am not so out numbered, but if not I am the luckiest women alive with my 2 boys and wonderful husband!
(Graydins Birthday party is on sunday pictures will come soon!)